FirstLight CM Ranch Photography Workshop, August 14 ~ 21, 2022

FirstLight is announcing our CM Ranch 2022 Workshop! We’ve been hosting workshops in the Dubois area since 2005, and we look forward to continuing a long-term relationship with one of our favorite places of all.
We’re thrilled to have Jeff Vanuga, good friend, fantastic photographer, and incredible instructor, working with me on this workshop!! You can read Jeff’s bio via the link below.
This will be a limited class size.
Participants will arrive at the CM Ranch, Sunday, August 14, in time for our opening dinner, and the workshop will conclude Sunday, August 21, when everyone will depart after breakfast and our final slide show. Great photographic opportunities will be provided Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday morning. Thursday morning will be the chance to wander the ranch and photograph on your own, or enjoy the multiple amenities available…horseback riding, hiking, or fishing (CM has a guide with whom you can arrange an outing). Each evening, Monday through Friday, there will be a great photographic opportunities, ranging from wranglers working the horses, panning, portraits, grand landscapes, to our final Friday night event, the Dubois Rodeo. Here, you’ll be able to bring together all the skills you learned during the week, while photographing this iconic western event. Accessibility is the key for the rodeo, and we are able to shoot anywhere in the grounds.

After our first morning shoot, we’ll gather in the CM “Roundup”, the headquarters for the workshop. In this session, you’ll use Photo Mechanic (we’ll send you a link to a 30-day trial version of Photo Mechanic, or a 15% discount code if you want to purchase the software) to go through your images from the morning, culling your photos down to 25 images. Jay or Jeff will then go through those images, providing critical feedback on what is right with certain images, as well as what’s not working in certain photos. This is one of the critical components of this event. Each morning will follow this same scenario: early shoot, followed by breakfast at the dining hall. We’ll then gather at the Roundup for downloading, editing and critique sessions. A projection session of the “best of” five images from each photographer will occur pre-lunch or immediately after lunch. This will be followed by a seminar on various aspects of photography by Jay or Jeff in the afternoon. We’ll meet after dinner to head out for our evening shoots. Below is the schedule, but be aware that this is a “best-intentions” plan, based on the following: weather, good or bad horse moods, good or bad wrangler moods, or other situations in which we feel that a slight change will improve your experience and the workshop.
I’ve been in the business of creating narrative, of telling a story through photography, for over 40 years, it’s in my blood and it’s my passion. Still photography will always be critical to as we are visual creature: thinking, recalling, and processing with still images. In an early seminar during the week, I’ll discuss the importance of visual narrative and I’ll give you a “template” for this narrative. During the week, we’ll want you to practice this art of visual narrative, and at the end the workshop, we’ll present each participants narrative in our final slideshow.
To read Jay and Jeff’s bios, please click here.

***In addition, our sponsor, Olympus, will be providing camera kits of their top-of-the line Micro Four Thirds cameras as well as lenses. If you’ve been thinking of “going small & mirrorless,” this is your opportunity to test drive one of these cameras***
Workshop Schedule:
FirstLight CM Ranch Photography Workshop
August 14-21, 2022
Day 1 – Sunday, August 14 Sunset: 8:18 p.m.
Many workshop attendees rent their own car, with plans on staying on after the workshop and enjoying this stunning area. Plan on arriving at Jackson Hole, Wyoming airport (JAC) prior to 1pm to be picked up and transported to the CM Ranch. There is a fee for this service, and varies dependent on the number of other CM gusts in the vehicle. It can range from $200.00, round trip, if you are the only client, to a fee based on that amount split amongst the group.
Other airports of choice include Salt Lake City (SLC) about a 5-hour drive from Dubois, or Denver (DEN) which is about a 7 1/2 hour drive to Dubois. If opting for Denver, you can also fly into Riverton (about an hour’s drive from Dubois) on “Denver Air”, renting a car in Riverton At 6:00 p.m., participants will gather at the Roundup (which is also our workshop headquarters for the week) with Jay and Jeff as well as your fellow workshop attendees. We will then walk to our welcome dinner at 6:30 p.m; after dinner we will return to the Roundup for the opening presentation.
You must arrive at the workshop with Photo Mechanic as well as your choice of editing program already installed on your computer. If using a free download trial version (fully functional) we suggest downloading that immediately before the workshop, as the trial version is good for 7 days.
Day 2 – Monday, August 15 Sunrise: 6:20 a.m. Sunset: 8:17 p.m.
We’ll start the day early and with energy when we photograph the early morning running of horses up a valley, followed by wranglers working horses in corral. Mid-morning will find us in the Roundup, where you’ll be provided with a tutorial on downloading your photos. You will edit your morning shoot (when we refer to editing, we’re talking about the process of going through your photographs, choosing which to keep and which to discard) down to your best 25 photographs. Then Jay or Jeff will go through this group of images and provide insights into how to improve on your work, as well as narrowing your selects down to five images. We will then come by and collect your five best photos on a flash drive. Before or after your edit, you may wish to pull up your chair to an editing session with other participants, as this information is so valuable to your photographic growth: the ability to see how other photographers captured the same events as you did. Either just before or after lunch, the top five images from each participant will be projected for group critique and discussion. You will also be provided with the exact time to meet for the late afternoon shoot.
Important note: we do NOT want you to work on these images nor crop the photos. This is critical as we don’t want to see your PhotoShop skills nor how well you can crop. We want to see how you are seeing a scene.
Jay or Jeff will provide a presentation, to be announced, based on the dynamic of the group.
After dinner, we’ll meet to photograph running horses, where we’ll practice our fast action and panning.

Day 3 – Tuesday, August 16 Sunrise 6:21 a.m. Sunset 8:15 p.m.
We’ll depart the CM this morning pre-dawn, driving to an extremely dramatic location at which we’ll photograph the rugged landscape with horses and riders. Dramatic scenery is our focus here, as we watch the colors come alive in the rugged terrain looking out towards Ramshorn Peak. We’ll return to the Roundup mid-morning for downloading and editing, followed by lunch and the early afternoon critique session.
We will meet again before dinner at the Roundup to go over the eventing’s shoot.
This evening, we’ll drive a short distance to photograph a group of horses and wranglers as they ride across the Wind River. This will incorporate a stunning background of the Badlands. Please note: this will include a walk of about 3/10th’s of a mile on a trail to reach the spot where the shoot will happen. We’ll walk back the same distance in the dusk, please bring a headlamp or flashlight.
Day 4 – Wednesday, August 17 Sunrise 6:23 a.m. Sunset 8:14 p.m.
Saddle up and ride to a dramatic breakfast spot, below the cliffs of the Dubois “Badlands.” If not “saddle-inclined” transportation via CM vehicles will be offered to the same destination, where we’ll all be able to photograph the immense and breathtaking vistas. All camera equipment will be transported to the site, so you can ride without the hassle of carrying gear. Breakfast will be provided outdoors this morning. Return to the Roundup in the late morning for downloading and editing, followed by lunch and the early afternoon critique session.
Jay or Jeff will provide a seminar based on the dynamics of the group.
Dinner will be followed by our evening shoot back atop the Dubois Overlook. We’ll have two horses and two riders to photograph with the incredible background and watch as the light builds to a crescendo…or at least if the weather is good!!

Day 5 – Thursday, August 12 Sunrise: 6:24 a.m. Sunset 8:12 p.m.
Get our early on your own to photograph the CM, building on the idea of narrative from the week. We’ll give you ideas to pursue this, based on Jay’s earlier seminar on visual narrative. Or enjoy the amenities of the Ranch this morning. Return to the Roundup mid-morning for downloading and editing, followed by lunch
For those interested, Jay will provide a session on building a presentation in the software, “FotoMagico”. This is a powerful and easy tool you can use to create an interactive slide show. (This is a Mac-only software program.)
This evening, after dinner, we’ll head out in CM vehicles, to a very dramatic location, with the Badlands as our background which will include photographing cowboys riding in that rugged landscape.

Day 6 – Friday, August 19 Sunrise: 6:25 a.m. Sunset 8:11 p.m.
We’ll head out very early for an opportunity to photograph cowboys driving a herd of horses in the morning light. Return to the Roundup mid-morning for downloading and editing, followed by lunch and the early afternoon critique session
After an early dinner we’ll drive in CM vehicles to the Dubois Rodeo. This will be a great time to put together what you’ve learned during the week, to build your western narrative.
We’ll arrive early, so you’ll have great access to the cowboys and cowgirls as they prepare for this wonderful event. The last vehicle will depart the rodeo at 9:30 p.m. to return to the CM Ranch.

Day 7 – Saturday, August 20 Sunrise: 6:26 a.m. Sunset: 8:09 p.m.
After breakfast, we’ll meet at the Roundup to download the rodeo, edit and critique that session.
We’ll have another great photo opportunity before we depart for the cookout on the CM property, for the final cookout.

Day 8 – Sunday, August 21 Sunrise: 6:27 a.m.
After breakfast at 7:30am, we’ll meet at the Roundup to see the World Premier of the FirstLight CM Ranch Workshop slideshow! You’ll receive a link to a copy of this presentation several weeks after the conclusion of the workshop.
Check-out from CM is by 10:30 a.m at the latest. Transportation back to Jackson will start shortly after the slideshow is over.
Cost of the Workshop:
The cost of the 2022 CM Workshop is $ 4,650.00. To hold your spot in this workshop, FirstLight requires a non-refundable deposit of $ 1,000.00. Please commit by Thursday, November 11 and let us know payment is in the mail (we also accept PayPal, BUT you are responsible for the fees) Please make your check out to “FirstLight Workshop” and mail that to:
FirstLight Workshop
PO Box 421
Englewood, CO
As we have firm commitments to make with the CM Ranch, this deposit is non-refundable. If for some reason you must cancel, we will try to offer your spot to our waiting list. We’ve found that waiting lists sound good, but travel plans are usually made so far ahead, that those on our lists have moved on with other commitments. If we can fill your cancellation, we will see what we can do about a refund. Thanks for understanding.
Final payment will be due 60 days out from the start of the workshop, June 15, 2022. No refunds will be allowed after that date.
If FirstLight cancels the workshop, all monies will be returned
Click here to be taken to the registration page
What’s Included:
Workshop fee: 6 days of instruction and critiquing, with a morning (except Thursday and Saturday) and afternoon shoot each day.. Opportunity to use Olympus digital camera equipment.
Accommodations: 7 nights, Sunday, August 14 ~ Sunday, August 21, 2022. You’ll get to room, at no extra charge, with another FirstLight student!! Due to ranch housing, we cannot offer single rooms.
Meals: FirstLight provides all your meals, from the opening night, Sunday, August 14 – final breakfast, Sunday, August 21. You’ll enjoy wonderful meals during this workshop.
Cocktail events: The ranch will provide a cocktail party, Monday evening, July 20. For the rest of the days it’s BYOB: you will have the opportunity to stop in Dubois at a liquor store on the way in from the airport if you’d like to bring your choice of spirits.
Gratuities: FirstLight pays all standard gratuities to the ranch
What’s NOT included:
Liquor: Wine and beer are provided at the Monday night cocktail party. You will have the opportunity to stop in Dubois on Sunday after being picked up at airport at a liquor store if you’d like to bring wine, beer or liquor.
Transportation: Your airfare to Jackson, or airport of choice
Airports: The closest airport is Jackson, Wyoming (airport code: JAC) This is about a 1 1/2 hour drive to CM. Almost all major carriers fly into Jackson. Salt Lake City is another choice, please be aware it is about a 5 ½ hour drive from SLC to Dubois. Denver International Airport is about an 8-hour drive. It’s also possible to fly from Denver into Riverton, Wyoming on “Denver Air”. Riverton is about an hour’s drive from Dubois.
Pickup at Jackson Hole Airport and drop-off If Jackson Hole (JAC airport code)is your airport of choice, you can be picked up at the airport on Sunday, August 14 by a vehicle from CM as well as delivering you back to JAC on Sunday, August 21 for your departure. Fee for this is $ 400.00, and that can be divided amongst the group taking advantage of the car service (if 4 others ride with you, that reduces your share to 1/5th the total)
We suggest that you rent a car for this workshop
Laundry & other amenities: The CM does provide laundry services, wash and dry at a reasonable cost-
Additional gratuities if you feel one of the wranglers or other CM staff went out of the way.

What you’ll need to bring:
- Laptop with at least 10GB of space. You MUST have basic knowledge of your computer in addition to having space, as noted above, on your computer.
- A latest copy of Photo Mechanic, if you don’t have this software, it can be downloaded from the the Photo Mechanic website as a fully functioning, 30-day free trial.
- We suggest bringing two camera bodies–to work with both as well as covering the possibility of a camera failing–this is NOT mandatory, but a strong suggestion. Don’t forget that we will have Olympus cameras to borrow!
- Clothing for the week: FirstLight is a very laid-back group, so don’t even think of bringing a sports coat or dress!! Laundry is not available at the ranch, but a small Laundromat is located in Dubois, if necessary.
- Enthusiasm and the openness to push yourself creatively–and plenty of energy!