National Geographic Tanzania Photo Expedition

A pride of lions in Ngorongoro Crater Olympus E-M1 75-300mm
There are those places you can go back to time after time-for me, Tanzania and the Serengeti are one of those magical places. I had the good fortune to lead a National Geographic Photo Expedition to that favorite place in March of this year.
Arriving Arusha, Tanzania late in the first week of March, I met the photographers accompanying this adventure. The itinerary on this trip was really well thought out-10 days in some of the most photographically-productive areas in Tanzania.
Early morning and late afternoon outings provided great photographic opportunities…I really don’t think anyone was disappointed, and came out of this trip with at least a few wall photos.
Traveling light in Africa, and Asia, Europe and Australia (also,add Antarctica and you’ve covered a lot of the globe) is the key to being able to carry the essential gear for your photo adventure. A total of 3 camera bodies (I always work with two cameras: one with a wide zoom, the other a telephoto zoom) and a carefully chosen selection of lenses allow me to carry my gear onboard the almost always small aircraft-and size/weight is paramount here. I don’t want to check, at the check-in or at the gate, my equipment.
Hope you enjoy this group of photos from this Expedition, Sri Lanka is coming up, so come back to see those images.

Cape Buffalo with tick bird Olympus E-M1 40-150mm f2.8 w1.4 adapter

Maasai, Ngorongoro Highlands Olympus E-M1 12-40mm f2.8

Maasai eating goat Oly E-M1 12-40mm f2.8

Male lion in Serengeti Olympus E-M1 40-150mm f2.8 w/1.4 converter

Zebra altercation Oly E-M1 40-150 f2.8 w/1.4 converter

Dusk at Lake Masek Oly E-M1 12-40mm f2.8

Early morning, Ngorongoro Crater Oly E-M1 75-300mm

Zebras/Wildebeast Oly E-M1 40-150mm f2.8

Another zebra altercation Oly E-M1 40-150mm f2.8

1 of 5 – hyena pursuing zebra Oly E-M1 75-300mm

2 of 5 – of hyena pursuing zebra

3 of 5 – of hyena pursuing zebra

4 of 5 – of hyena pursuing zebra

5 of 5 – of hyena pursuing zebra-hyena loses

Elephants near Lake Masek

early morning lion Oly E-M1 40-150mm f2.8

Maasai with his cattle Oly E-M1 12-40mm f2.8

Zebra, Serengeti Oly E-M1 40-150mm f2.8

Maasai driving cattle home Oly E-M1 40-150mm f2.8

Maasai and cattle Oly E-M1 40-150mm f2.8

Late day, Ngorongoro Crater Oly E-M1 40-150mm f2.8

Baboons, Lake Manyara National Park Oly E-M1 40-150mm f2.8

Maaxai and child

Days end, Lake Masek